Monday, July 7, 2008

a new beginning....i hope

HAHA i finally updated my blog and everything else...
last few days have been hell....with more projects coming means i'll be spending more time in school...which parents won't be happy about it....after much arguing and negotiating, my mum agree....i will be able to stay in school to do my project from mon to wed every week....though rhight now i still can hear my parents and my sister discussing about what they'll do about my sis...i knw they somehow still disagree in letting me stay back late....but who cares the thing is that now they allow me...and thats more...i do ot wish the friendship between me and my friends to break not yet....(*though MQ say our friendship worth $0.20....jkjk)

Well that all for tutorial to rush and project to keep me busy....oh yeah and cca too....haha lets jia you 2gether....GO GO GO!!!!!!

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